At Kalos Services, we take a comprehensive approach to air conditioning replacement and upgrades. We want to ensure that the quote for your air conditioning install has no hidden costs and is accurate the first time. We desire the air conditioning install to live up to your expectations and that the energy efficiency of the A/C system will be at the highest possible level.

Here’s the process we complete for each new air conditioning install:

  1. Reclaim old refrigerant for recycling.
  2. Remove existing equipment and disposal for recycling.
  3. Inspect existing ductwork, return duct and supports for new equipment.
  4. Remove platform top.
  5. Replace supports if needed.
  6. Replace return box if needed or quoted as a request.
  7. Replace or flush copper according to industry standards.
  8. Replace drain.
  9. Check low voltage wiring if found in bad condition once exposed or if included with the quote.
  10. Ensure chase is sealed.
  11. Replace condenser pad, if needed or requested in the quote.
  12. Relocation of disconnects as needed or required by code.
  13. Install new ¾” pressure-treated plywood platform topping, ensuring that the air handler will sit level.
  14. Raise air handler as needed to ensure proper filter access and drainage.
  15. Seal new air handler to return.
  16. Install a new sealed four-piece transition to the existing attic duct.
  17. Install secondary pans and float switch in horizontal applications.
  18. Install primary float switches on all air handlers.
  19. Install liquid filter dryers on all equipment installs.
  20. Leak check all connections by positive nitrogen pressure.
  21. Evacuate the system of air and water vapor while measuring for a proper vacuum with a micron gauge.
  22. Paint all outdoor exposed tubing insulation with UV-resistant coating as required by the manufacturer.
  23. Install locking caps on the ports to prevent the refrigerant from escaping.
  24. Ensure no double traps exist in the condensate drain lines that can cause drainage issues.
  25. Allow adequate time to ensure proper charge calibration at startup.
  26. Check refrigerant charge using manufacturers’ specifications, as well as subcool and superheat methods.
  27. Check amp draw on all new mechanical components at startup.
  28. Check for static air and airflow.
  29. Ensure customer is satisfied with cleanup and installation of the new system.

Always Get the Air Conditioning Install Process in Writing

As you consider quotes from other companies, ask them to show you their air conditioning installation process. Make sure to ask to see this process in writing. A reputable air conditioning contractor should always be able to tell you how they plan on making sure your air conditioning install goes smoothly. Do you still have more questions? Download our eBook, The Complete Air Conditioner Buying Guide.

Want to schedule a free estimate? Call us at 352-243-7088 or fill out the form below:

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